Thursday, February 28, 2019

Pointcloud Meshing with Seperations, pt2

I spent a day building a low poly model for the smoker deck environment. I UV unwrapped everything, then imported everything (as a combined .obj file) into Zephyr. I followed my documented steps from before on reprojecting.
The results? Lots of issues. I am kind of frustrated.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Pointcloud Meshing with Separations, pt1

Something unique to scanning a room scale environment is the process of meshing the pointcloud into separated pieces. I decided to run some tests with re-projection on a smaller object.

In virtual environments it's important to remember that we are building a fictional set, and not an accurate representation of the world. Typically, the background is a skydome. There may be elements on a billboard/card. As objects are closer to the foreground, they require more accurate models and texture details. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

After Class, wk 07

This paper from 1995 was recommended to me.
Julie Dorsey

I don't know how this relates to my work. This went completely over my head.

note-- my overall goals as outlined below have not really changed over the course and are still very similar to my original mock project from DIGM501 last term. The technology solutions have evolved, but the overall goal is the same. I wish we had a little more overlap/continuity in the sequence of these courses because at this point I seem to be repeating myself.


Pitch: I want to scan things

Paragraph Description: My goal this term is to research accessible reality capture tools and techniques to recreate a real world location in an interactive realtime game environment. Ultimately the goal is to produce a beautiful virtual space, but might also have applications in digital conservation/archiving efforts. My main tools are a DSLR camera, photogrammetry software, standard game asset production tools, and a game engine.

Week 7 - Repeat steps to create game ready assets with the larger roomscale pointcloud data. (See

Week 8 - Decide on game engine solution. Import all assets into engine. Test with other assets in room. Begin lighting.

Week 9 - Continue lighting work, atmospheric effects, and something dynamic.

Week 10 - Flex week, address issues/polish. If time, build a simple interaction (ex, a lightswitch, a simple quicktime event.)

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Getting Game-ready Models out of 3DF Zephyr

As impressive as Zephyr has been, I found a few painpoints that required the model be exported out into a different tool and brought back in to continue. In fact, this whole process required jumping back and forth between several softwares.

For this write up I used my Lichen Angel model. There were a couple of places I wanted to spend more time on, such as cleaning the mesh, but my priority here was documenting the steps. I hope to improve on this workflow.

Term Summary

This is my halfway report. Admittedly I have been a bit scattered this term, I realized while writing up this list.
My overall goal was to build a repertoire of reality capture tools and processes. I have greatly enjoyed discovering new processes and am wrapping my brain around the realistic scope of something like my mock project last term.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Testing Different Stitching Softwares, pt 3 The Mobile Boys

So far I've only looked at Desktop and Cloud stitching software solutions. It was suggested I check the app store for a solution that could be handled all on your phone! Spoiler, they all suck.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

After Class, wk06

Check the app store in addition to scholarly resources.
Conduct a formal study in low cost / consumer level scanning techniques. Build a repertoire of tools.

Look into Apple's depth sensor.

More inner dialogue/introspection in posts. More specific tagging system.

Build a roadmap

Monday, February 11, 2019

I want to scan things.

This week we were asked to present 1) a logline which describes the current place of our studies 2) three scholarly sources that inform our work 3) the ability to explain why at every point in our project.

I still stand by my original pitch--
"I want to scan things."

The Smokers Deck pt 1

I hunted around for a new location to shoot (something outside, but enclosed and roomspace, with natural elements) and found a 'smokers deck' in Drexel's Main Building.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Photogrammetry vs Scanning pt II: Andrew's Head

Continuing comparison studies between using scanner hardware and camera... spoiler, DSLR camera is still winning.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Digital Altar

I have been thinking about this quote from a reading:

"At the same time, we are hard at work constructing intimacy with algorithms,
from our willingness to play along with Siri to the things we type
into search bars when we think nobody is looking. We interact with search
interfaces in intensely private ways-a strange, occasionally grotesque confessionalism
at the altar of computation..."

The idea of an "altar of computation" stuck with me. This reading in particular drew a lot of connections between religious ideas and technology, comparing search engine algorithms to the mind of God.

An altar is defined a little differently across beliefs, but is generally a space to collect meaningful objects and perform meaningful ritual.

In a way, by scanning digital copies of real world objects, I feel that I am collecting them.

After Class, wk05

Need to move on-- worried about getting stuck in data capture.
What is your elevator pitch.
VR spaces
Beautiful Virtual SpacesAlways answer why.
Identify problems in the industry and make them suck less.


Next week:
** Define your logline or elevator pitch.
** Identify three new expert sources that are helping define what you want to do.
** The most important word is WHY. Explain every decision that went into your project. Why goes both ways, it comes from your sources.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Testing Different Stitching Softwares, pt 2. evaluating 3DF Zephyr

Last post I talked about trying out alternatives to Agisoft Photoscan, and realized the processing speed and quality was like night and day. I was looking at RealityCapture (RC) and 3DFlow Zephyr. Unfortunately both had extremely high price points for their license, but at that point I had tasted luxury and decided I NEED it.

Quain Courtyard pt 4, mild success