Saturday, March 16, 2019

Material Scanning

Notes from this tutorial:

The end results are technically correct-- tileable PBR maps all exported. They're even de-lit and color corrected.
However, the input data was sloppy. Would like to shoot again with a tripod.

See my notes after the jump.

PART 1 Data prep (written software agnostic)

  1. Choose subject like ground, wall. 
  2. Capture using either spiral pattern or zigzag. Careful with footsteps
  3. Reconstruct data 
  4. Project albedo data onto a geo plane with 10-20 subdivisions (plan for output texel density ahead of time ...with math)
  5. Bake mesh maps. (can be done in SD)
    • *Albedo - done in stitching software
    • Normal
    • Height
    • AO
    • Curvature
    • *Roughness/Metallic - these kinds of maps cannot be generated
PART 2 Substance Designer
  1. Import all maps
  2. Make_it_Tile_photo node
    • Start with normal map, adjust parameters until seamless tiling. Duplicate out to other maps (must have same parameters on all nodes)
  3. need to make rough map from scratch?
  4. Smart Auto Tile
    • plug in all maps
  1. For fabric, SD recommends 4 photographs with directional lighting at 90 degree increments
  2. Map extraction
    1. If needed, use a 'multi crop node' to crop all at once
    2. Use a 'multi color equalizer' node and tweak until lights are cancelled out
    3. Use a 'multi angle to normal' node and tweak until correct
    4. Use a 'normal to height' node 
  3. Make it tiling
    1. Use a 'material clone patch' node to specify the clone area
    2. Use 'smart auto tile' and tweak until correct

Note to self... I'll have to fix my notes from before. Zephyr's "Extract Stereo Mesh" tool replaces the UV mapping.

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Quain Courtyard pt 4, mild success